Western Food Dining History

Western food pinyin Xīcān; Western food English name Western cuisine; Western food is a general term for Western-style food and beverages. In a broad sense, it can also be said to be a general term for Western food and beverage culture. "Western" habitually refers to European countries and regions, as well as the vast areas of North America, South America and Oceania where these countries and regions are the main immigrants. Therefore, Western food mainly refers to the catering culture of the above regions. Westerners call Chinese food "Chinese food", Japanese food Japanese food, Korean food Korean food, etc. They don't call it "Oriental food" in a generalized way, but finer details. They are divided into subdivisions and named according to their country names. In fact, the catering culture of Western countries has its own characteristics, and the dishes of each country are also different. For example, French people think that they cook French food, and British people think that they cook British food. Westerners themselves do not have a clear concept of "Western food", this concept is the concept of Chinese and other Orientals. British Western Food This is because when Chinese and other oriental people first came into contact with western diets, they could not distinguish between Italian food, French food, and British food. They could only have a general concept. At that time, the Chinese generally called it "Fan Cai", and "Fan" means Western. The ancient Chinese often thought that China was the center of the world, and they used to look at other countries and regions with a derogatory meaning, calling the East "Yi", the West "Fan", the North "Hu", and the South It's called "barbaric". Therefore, the so-called "fan Cai" refers to Western food. In addition, as far as Western countries are concerned, due to the geographical proximity of European countries, there have been many great ethnic migrations in history, and their cultures have already penetrated and merged with each other, and they have a lot in common with each other. Furthermore, the religious beliefs of Western countries are mainly Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism (only a small number of people believe in Islam), they are all the main branches of Christianity, so the dietary taboos and dining customs are roughly the same. As for South, North America and Oceania, their cultures are also in the same strain as European cultures. Therefore, regardless of whether Westerners have a clear concept of "Western food", the Chinese people and other Easterners have roughly the same Western food culture, which is quite different from Eastern food, collectively referred to as "Western food". However, in recent years, with the continuous collision, penetration and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, Eastern people have gradually understood the different characteristics of various dishes in Western food, and began to treat them differently. Some high-end hotels have also opened French restaurants, Italian restaurants, etc. Western food as a general concept gradually tends to be diluted, but Western food culture as a whole concept will continue to exist.





How to choose stainless steel tableware

1. When choosing stainless steel cutlery, the most important thing is to check the material used on the outer packaging of stainless steel cutlery and the steel grade it is marked with. At the same time, it is also necessary to check the label to see if it has clearly marked the manufacturer's information and hygiene-related standards. 2. In the process of purchasing stainless steel tableware, if you want to buy stainless steel tableware with a higher grade, it is best to pay attention to the steel density of the tableware. Generally speaking, high-grade and low-grade stainless steel tableware have different types under the same conditions of use, and high-quality stainless steel tableware will be heavier than low-end stainless steel tableware. 3. When buying stainless steel cutlery, be sure to buy it in a regular store, and don't try to buy stainless steel cutlery from roadside hawkers cheaply. Because most of this stainless steel tableware is fake, it is doped with many harsh materials, and it cannot meet the requirements of safe use.





Development history of western tableware

Until about the 13th century, Europeans used all their fingers to eat. When eating with fingers, there are certain rules: Romans use the number of fingers to distinguish their identity, commoners have five fingers, educated nobles only use three fingers, and the ring and little fingers cannot touch food . This meal rule continued into the 16th century and was still practiced by Europeans. fork Eating forks first appeared in the 11th century in the Tusca region of Italy, with only two tines. The clergy of the time did not have a favorable opinion of the fork, arguing that humans could only touch the food given by God with their hands. The creation of tableware by the wealthy Tuscans was lured by Satan and was a blasphemous act. According to Italian historical records, a Venetian lady died within a few days after eating with a fork. In fact, it was very likely that she was infected with the plague and died. The clergy said that she was condemned by God and warned everyone not to eat with a fork. In the 12th century, the Archbishop of Canter, England, introduced the fork to the people of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. as a dueling weapon. For the Anglo-Saxons in the 14th century, the forks were still only imported items. For example, Edward I had seven forks made of gold and silver. Most Europeans at the time liked to cut food into pieces with a knife, then grabbed it with the fingers and put it in the mouth; if a man eats with a fork, it means that if he is not a picky, he is a sissy . In the 18th century, when the Revolutionary War broke out in France, French aristocrats preferred to eat with forks with four tines. The implied meaning of the user of this fork can almost be equated with the distinctive meaning. So the fork became a symbol of status, luxury, and sophistication, and then gradually became a must-have tableware. table knife Ding knives still remain in Western tableware, the reason is that many foods are cut into large pieces when cooking, and when eating, the user will cut it into small pieces of different sizes according to their personal wishes. This is different from the way that the oriental people, especially the Chinese people, cut the food into small pieces of shredded meat, slices, etc. before cooking, and then process it. Perhaps this is why the western cooking technology has always lagged behind the east, especially China. one of the reasons. Table knives have played an important role in human life for a long time. 150 million years ago, the ancestors of human beings began to use stone knives as tools. The knives were hung on their waists, and they were used to cut roast meat and defend themselves from the enemy. Only leaders with status and status can have a variety of Knives for different purposes. During the reign of the French Emperor Louis XIII (1610 AD - 1643 AD), Grand Duke Richelieu, who was well versed in political strategy, not only made a contribution to making France among the major powers in Europe; The cardinal also pays attention to details. The tops of table knives were not the oval shape we are familiar with today, but had sharp tips. Many French bureaucratic dignitaries use table knives as toothpicks after meals, and use it to pick teeth. The Grand Duke Richelieu therefore ordered the servants at home to sharpen the tip of the knife into an oval shape, and forbid guests to pick the teeth of the knife in front of him. cyclone. spoon The history of the spoon is even more ancient. As early as the Paleolithic, spoons appeared in Asia. Spoons made of wood, stone, ivory, gold and other materials have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. The nobles of Greece and Rome used spoons made of copper and silver. In Italy in the 15th century, when baptizing children, the most popular gift was a baptism spoon, that is, the child's guardian angel was made into a spoon handle and given to the baptized child.





What are the composition of stainless steel materials

Stainless steel tableware for households can be divided into three grades: 430, 304 (18-8), and 18-10. 430 Stainless Steel: Iron + 12% or more of chromium can prevent oxidation caused by natural factors. It is called stainless steel. The code name of jis is 430, so it is also called 430 stainless steel. However, 430 stainless steel cannot resist oxidation caused by chemicals in the air. After 430 stainless steel is not used for a period of time, it will still oxidize (rust) due to unnatural factors. 18-8 Stainless Steel: Iron + 18% chromium + 8% nickel, which can resist chemical oxidation. This stainless steel is No. 304 in the jis code, so it is also called 304 stainless steel. 18-10 Stainless Steel: However, there are more and more chemical components in the air, and even 304 will rust in some places with more serious pollution; so some high-end products will be made of 10% nickel to make them more durable and corrosion-resistant. This type of stainless steel is called 18-10 stainless steel. In some tableware descriptions, there is a statement similar to "the most advanced medical stainless steel material of 18-10". Stainless steel can be divided into three categories according to the metallographic structure: austenitic stainless steel, ferritic stainless steel and martensitic stainless steel. The main components of stainless steel are iron, chromium, and nickel alloys. In addition, it also contains trace elements such as manganese, titanium, cobalt, molybdenum and cadmium, which make stainless steel stable, rust-resistant and corrosion-resistant. Austenitic stainless steel is not easy to be magnetized due to the particularity of its internal molecular structure.





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